VISUALISATION. is a cooperative project from Weimar / Germany, in which competencies from the most various disciplines converge. From this confluence emerges a unique range of services in the field of high-end 3D digitising and the presentation of cultural assets of every dimension.

Digitus.Art is an interdisciplinary team of restorers and monument conservators, designers and 3D specialists. We develop digital concepts for art and cultural assets and transform them into reality them in close collaboration with software developers, modellers and photographers. Proper handling of delicate originals is our highest priority by virtue of our many years of experience in conservation and restoration. We thus offer a unique range of services in the field of high-end 3D digitising and the presentation of cultural assets of every dimension.

We have an eye for the essential and special access to the objects – irrespective of whether they are small-sized archaeological artefacts or historical buildings. Our high standards in the representation of realistic surface qualities are exhibited in photo-realistic 3D digitisations, visualisations and hand-prepared 3D print replicas.

Our services

  • Digital, contactless capture of three-dimensional objects
  • Reproduction in the form of high-definition, photo-realistic 3D models with realistic surface qualities
  • Museum-like replicas, accurate in every detail
  • Tactile models of the original material
  • Realisation of a virtual museum (Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, browser-based Web applications, apps, animations)
  • Linking to database systems

Application scenarios

  • Virtual, barrier-free exhibitions
  • Modern knowledge transfer
  • Networked research
  • Preventive conservation
  • Development of inventory stock

Regardless of whether you wish to archive your artistic and cultural assets or make them digitally accessible, whether for popular science or research purposes, we develop with you solutions for your individual needs. In doing so, we emphasise user-friendly design and technologically sustainable solutions that are flexible, convertible and upgradeable. We are happy to advise you on-site and offer courses and workshops on the theme of digital strategies for art and cultural assets, photogrammetry, 3D modelling and the archiving of data.

Textured model

Textured model + polygon

Untextured model + polygon


Point cloud

Untextured model

Life mask of
Ludwig van Beethoven

Our current projects

Who we work for


  • Contactless measurement and capture
  • High-quality, true-in-detail, museum-like replicas using long-term-stable, non-toxic materials
  • Provision of repositories for different target groups
  • Interactive 3D models and virtual environments
  • Innovative communication approaches in the context of exhibitions
  • Visualisation of different restoration states
  • Information visualisation & digital storytelling
  • Platform-independent presentation of the collection on the Internet
  • Knowledge transfer for a wide range of target audiences


  • Visualisations of designs, prototypes and concepts
  • Realisation of artworks in 3D printing and other sculptural processes
  • Platform-independent presentation of sculptures or installations in 3D
  • Provision and reprocessing of data for presentation on the Internet
  • Provision and reprocessing and reprocessing of data for Virtual Reality


  • Preventive conservation
  • Linking and integration of 3D data into existing databases
  • Collaborative work of science & research through creating accessibility
  • Linking and integration of 3D data into existing databases for improved inventory management and as a basis for monitoring


  • Rendering of 3D models in different environments (Digital Photo Studio)
  • Individual digital illumination and compilation / arranging of objects
  • Rendering for cross-media use in print and screen media
The original object

The original lies at the heart of our services. Responsible handling of the objects and aspiring to their most realistic possible depiction are thus of critical importance to us.

In mutual dialogue and after precise observation of the object, its form and surface qualities, we formulate an objective together with you and plan in detail the exact process of digitising. As restorers, we also organise and accompany the transport of the objects to our studio and their temporary custody in a professional, safe and proper manner.

The state of preservation of the object often does not allow it to be transported to our studio, or the art or cultural asset is immovable, so we will be happy to come to you and do the digitising in situ.

Capture / 3D scan

After a mutual consultation meeting, assessment of the object and detailed planning of the digitising, the practical implementation of the capture begins. specialises in the contactless, photo-realistic digitising of art and cultural assets by means of photogrammetry. Depending on the assignment, however, other technologies such as structured light and laser scanning, or a combination of them, are used.

In capture via photogrammetry, the object is placed on a rotary plate and our photographer takes high-definition images of it from different perspectives, following specific parameters. Depending on the kind of surface and complexity of form, several hundred photos can easily be the result. In the further process, these photos are prepared for continuative processing in the photogrammetry software through digital image processing. In the process we have developed our own technology, which enables highly glossy and reflective surfaces to be digitised.

Using the photogrammetry software, depth data are calculated from the photos and a three-dimensional point cloud of the object is created. This is checked for completeness and corrected. The next step is the intermeshing of the individual points – a three-dimensional surface model is created, onto which a photo-realistic texture can be mapped in the following work process.

Archiving of 3D data

High-definition 3d digital copies are delivered in the form of photos, point clouds with space coordinates and the textured high-poly model for archiving. In the process we advise you on how the newly created datasets can be efficiently integrated into your archiving system and existing databases in order to allow permanent, systematic and immutable storage and supply. Archiving of 3D raw data constitutes an important part of preventive conservation. Damage and changes can thus be retraced in detail. In the event of damage or destruction, part of the information, namely form, dimension and chromaticity, is preserved – and reconstructible.

In addition, the archived data offer a starting point for a wide range of other possible applications in exhibition design, knowledge transfer, research and marketing.

The database

With three-dimensional objects, 3D data are a necessary complement to conventional text and photo datasets. In a 3D model, the objects are intuitively graspable in their spatial extent and effect. A 3D model allows an object to be viewed from every perspective possible and impossible in reality, allowing more comprehensive documentation of the object. In combination with conventional text and photo datasets, a 3D model thus contributes significantly to increasing the information content. Through the linking of information and objects and the time- and place-independent provision of data, the additional information content improves the collaborative environment in science and research.

The 3D lab

The 3D lab is the interface between the datasets of the 3D scans and their visualisation. Using high-performance software and the latest computer technology, the scan results are optimised and processed for further use. The data can then be played and processed in every conceivable medium:

  • Virtual Reality applications
  • Augmented Reality
  • Museum guide
  • WebGL (real-time interactive 3D on the Internet)
  • 3D rendering (e.g. for catalogues)
  • 3D animation
The digital museum

There are no limits placed on imagination in the digital museum. 3D data and models can be used in multifarious ways in popular and serious science and allow the models to be supplied independent of time and place. Thus, for example, works of art can be made accessible to a wide public on the Internet via WebGL.

The integration of 3D models in exhibitions offers the opportunity of a totally new interactive knowledge transfer, e.g. through gamification. Visitors personally move 3D models, select contents individually and explore objects from perspectives that are otherwise impossible. Different lighting conditions, contexts, locations and states can be simulated and played out in Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR). The 3D models can also be integrated into pre-existing apps or media guides.

The integration of 3D models into existing databases makes it possible to view three-dimensional objects more holistically in their spatial effect and from the most different perspectives imaginable. The place- and time-independent accessibility improves collaboration between the fine arts and humanities disciplines. Information visualisations allow complex interrelationships to be intuitively grasped. Modern technologies enable a wide public to access, experience and comprehend previously inaccessible collections and inventories.

We advise on 3D digitising

While to a large extent high-quality digitisation of art and cultural assets already exists in a two-dimensional format, gaping holes in the three-dimensional segment are still the general rule. The events of the recent past are a haunting reminder of the need for urgent action here.

It is not here just about having cultural assets digitally archived and backed up in the event of destruction. Rather, the use of digital replicas in a scientific context – for instance for international research – offers undreamt-of potential.

Together with you, plans and develops strategies for digitising, processing and presenting art and cultural assets to meet your individual wishes and requirements. The mutual dialogue leads to innovative, customised ideas and concepts. We’ll be happy to advise you on the latest technological developments and their possible applications. helps you to implement flexible and sustainable digital solutions that offer genuine added value for exhibition design, knowledge transfer, research and preventive conservation. We are happy to advise you on-site and offer courses and workshops on the theme of digital strategies for art and cultural assets, photogrammetry, 3D modelling and the archiving of data.

Our clients & partners